Who should you invite to your coaching program?

Oh that’s easy, all children are invited.

  • Who do you approach?

  • How do you find them?  

  • Where do you find them?

  • A mixture of age and backgrounds works best.



Experience has shown that the best programs have a mix of age groups and backgrounds. When there are a mixture of age groups, boys, girls and a variety of cultures, magic happens.

They learn some important lessons about working with people of varying backgrounds and ages. These lessons of working with all people of diverse ages, skills and backgrounds are key for them and their futures.

Normally when they play sports or are at school, they are involved with their own gender and age groups. However, in a coaching program the young ones can work well with older children. Girls and boys can work on projects and respect each other’s skills. Their varying cultural backgrounds enable them to learn and appreciate each other.

I believe this is one of the most valuable lessons that they can learn in working together in the coaching programs. In fact, it probably is a great perspective that many adults could find of benefit as well.

The challenge is how to find candidates for your coaching programs. Here are some ideas.

  1. IMMIGRANT GROUPS: -Research where groups from various countries congregate and either put up a poster or have brochures announcing your coaching programs. Of course, mention the benefits of working with a variety of children and helping them assimilate and learn the local culture and environment. This will assist their children to adapt to the new location.
  2. HOME SCHOOLED CHILDREN: Often there is a local announcement for home schooling families where they can find out about programs that would assist their children. These families would likely be a source of candidates for your programs.
  3. AGE GROUP: It has been found that the age range from about 8 to 18 years old can work well together. In fact the older group often mentor and assist the young. The young can also make the older ones do a double take as they often can be fearless.

These are some of ideas about who and how to find your participants to coach.

What are your thoughts and suggestions?

Wishing you lots of love and laughter.

Fred Jones

Victoria, BC, Canada

Fred Jones

Fred Jones

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