IMAGINE: What the World Can Become.

  • A song written almost 50 years ago has a thought-provoking message.

  • Imagine what the world could be like if we overcome the things that divide us.

  • Imagine what the world could be for our future generations.


The song ‘Imagine’ recently resonated with me.

John Lennon and Yoko Ono wrote the song 48 years ago in 1971.

I listened to a 30-year old Swedish singer, Chris Klafford, sing his version.

He made it his own and it is a powerful rendition.

The song presents the dream of a peaceful world.

It imagines we can overcome the things which divide us and makes us fight with each other.

It imagines people living life in peace, harmony, and sharing all the world.


Today’s leaders have let many of their people down.

Today is an amazing time to be alive.

Today, the opportunities to communicate with and help each other lead a better life, are increasing.

The ability to interact with and get to know other people is growing.

Yes, every nation has its own culture, strengths, and weaknesses.

But diversity is strength.


We can help our younger generation learn to communicate and become the leaders that our world needs.

That can be our great legacy for the future world.

This brings me back to my favorite quotation.

“A hundred years from now
it will not matter 

what my bank account was,
the sort of house I lived in,
or the kind of car I drove. 

But the world may be different 
because I was important in the life of a child.

(excerpt from “Within My Power” by Forest Witcraft.

Listen to the song ‘Imagine’ as sung by Chris Klafford and imagine what the world can be like for future generations.

Let’s assist our youth to become the leaders that our world needs.



It has been demonstrated that our youth learn the desired skills from youth group sessions.

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There is a guide available which assists parents and others working with youth.

The guide enables a person to be proactive in the success of a child’s future.

It contains activities to assist youth to gain critical soft skills.

They will become more resourceful and independent when they practice and gain these skills.

The guide is available from Our Future Leaders.

Request the Parent’s Guide here


What are you going to do to assist children to become our future leaders?

Fred Jones

Victoria, BC Canada

Fred Jones

Fred Jones

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