MASH-D: Communication Principles

  • MASH-D stands for Message, Audience, Stories, Humour and Distractions.

  • Reviewing these principles before speaking or writing, can improve our communication,

  • They apply to all size of audiences.

When speaking or writing to an audience of any size, there are a few basic principles to apply.


If we review these principles, we will improve our communication.


This applies to an audience of one or of thousands.


Let’s review the MASH-D presentation principles.


MASH-D stands for Message, Audience, Stories, Humour and Distractions.



  • What is the purpose of your presentation?

  • Are you wanting to entertain, inform, or discuss a topic?

  • Decide what it is that you wish your audience to know or learn.

  • Is there an action you desire them to take because of your talk?



  • Who is your audience? What are their backgrounds? What are their interests?

  • How much knowledge do they currently have about the subject?

  • Use language and terms to which they can relate and understand.

  • Without knowing their concerns and desires, you cannot properly address them.

  • Your research may be asking a series of questions prior to speaking on the topic.



  • Without stories, your audience will not remember what you said.

  • Your audience will remember you as the person who told them stories relevant to your topic and purpose.

  • Facts and figures are quickly forgotten. Rather expound on the effect of the facts.

  • Tell stories that resonate with your audience.

  • Stories to which they can relate makes your presentation memorable.



  • Adding humour is not easy.

  • If done properly it can have many benefits.

  • Humour puts the audience at ease and creates a connection.

  • It can also engage the audience, make key points memorable and lightens the load.



  • If there are distractions, your audience stops listening.

  • Their minds will wander from what you are saying.

  • Don’t use words or acronyms that they may not know. Use words your audience understands.

  • Overuse of a single word or phrase becomes distracting. They stop listening . Some examples are the overuse of ‘basically’ or ‘you know.’

  • Excessive use of filler words can detract from your message. Examples are ‘ah’,‘ umm,’ ‘like,’ and ‘so.’

  • Your appearance, inappropriate clothing, or excessive or noisy jewellery can divert their attention.

  • Our gestures, facial expressions and demeanour communicate more than the words we use. However the over or under use of body movement and gestures can be distracting.


The above MASH-D principles are applicable to all levels and types of communication.


To help us and our youth improve their communication skills, keep the MASH-D principles in mind.

Please share your ideas on how we can work with our youth and assist them to improve their communication skills. This will enable them to gain the communication and leadership skills required in the 21st Century.

If you require more information, please contact us.


Are you are interested in learning more about group coaching?

If so, contact us to obtain a report on a simple and easy system on how to set up group coaching programs for youth. You can do this in the ‘Contact us‘ section of the website.



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Wishing you lots of love and laughter, as always.

Fred Jones

Victoria, BC Canada

Fred Jones

Fred Jones

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