PRACTICING RESPECT -Changing the World

  • Respect is a concept that refers to the ability to value and honor another person.

  • Even if we do not approve of what some people say or do, they still deserve respect.

  • Respect may not come naturally – it is something you learn, often from the adults in your life.


Respect is the feeling you show when you accept that customs or cultures may be different from your own, and when you behave in a way that does not cause offence.

You accept the other person and not try to change them.

It is learning to tolerate, not discriminate, and avoid actions that may offend others.

Some examples of consideration in everyday life are:

    • greeting or speaking to others in a kind and respectful way;

    • giving up your seat in public places;

    • treating others as you would like them to treat you.

There are many types of respect. Some examples are:

    • self-respect -valuing and appreciating yourself;

    • for others -accepting and considering another person;

    • for social norms -respecting norms that govern society;

    • for nature -appreciating the environment;

    • for values -ability to honor our own principles;

    • for laws and norms -ability to comply with legal norms;

    • for culture -appreciating cultural differences; and

    • for the family -being able to understand, respect, and coexist with each other.


Respect is a very powerful ingredient in how people – even total strangers – treat each other.

Acts of respect could change the world and make the world a harmonious place.

There would be no hatred, no violence, and no wars.

Indeed, we would live in a world of peace.

If we don’t respect others, they will not respect us, and if we don’t respect ourselves we will not be respected by others.

Receiving respect from others helps us to feel safe and to express ourselves.

Respect in your relationships builds feelings of trust, safety, and wellbeing.

Self-respect is your view of how you’re living your life. Without being respectful and civil, we will never be able to discuss or reflect upon anything of importance.

We will never be able to understand the reasoning of any other perspective.

Respect opens us up to processing new ideas with consideration.

Everyone deserves to have their opinion heard. Respect is a simple common courtesy.

We need to respect each other because we are all humans because none of us is above another.


Encourage youth groups to discuss various aspects of respect.

Here are some examples of topics for discussion. I know this is a long list, but this topic is wide-ranging and requires in-depth discussions.

    • What is the impact of having respect for yourself?

    • How important is it that we understand what somebody else thinks and feels?

    • How does your education affect respect?

    • How do life experiences and life skills affect the respect you receive?

    • Does taking care of your body affect the respect you may receive?

    • What is the effect of attending to your needs and listening to yourself such as a need for rest or fun?

    • How does learning to be an effective communicator impact the respect you get?

    • What is the effect of association with negative or toxic people have on your respect?

    • What is the impact of you having goals and working to achieve them?

    • What are the results of showing people what respect looks like by being respectful to others?

    • Why is it important to understand the point of view of other people?

    • How being respected by important people in our lives teaches us about how to be respectful toward others.

    • The impact of spending time with people who are respectful and make you feel safe.

    • The benefits of working with a mentor such as a parent, teacher, coach, or elder.

    • Why it’s ok to end friendships with people if they can’t be respectful.

    • How can we give back for what we receive?

    • If adults respect children, they will receive the same respect back?

    • How can adults help to teach respect?

    • How to suggest, encourage, and advise, without forcing our opinions.

    • Accepting the decisions of others.

    • Why staying calm, not shouting or using negative labels can be effective.

    • Why becoming angry or hurting others is not a way to solve problems.

    • Setting limits on what is right and wrong.

    • Apologizing when you’re wrong.

    • Congratulate your children when they are respectful.

    • Why is it important to be polite with each other to show respect?

    • The impact of judging people.

    • How do we show respect to others?

    • Why is practicing humility, being empathetic, and respecting other people important?

    • The power of listening to other people.

    • Being empathetic, understanding each other, and putting ourselves in other people’s shoes.

    • Using assertive communication, that is, defending our rights while respecting the rights of others, in an educated and non-aggressive manner.

    • Keep in mind that our approaches, ideas, and opinions may differ from other people.

    • No one has the absolute truth.

    • Apologizing to each other when we make mistakes.

    • Keeping other people’s secrets.

    • Complying with and respecting laws and regulations.

    • Taking care of the common spaces and the environment.

    • Interest in others, their everyday lives, and how they feel.

    • Respecting the privacy and intimacy of others.

    • Respecting others’ spaces and belongings.

    • Including rather than excluding others.

    • Helping others when it is in our power to do so.

    • Being grateful.

    • Respect is seeing another person for who they are.

    • Respecting someone is no guarantee they’ll respect you in turn.

    • Respect is how we can grow relationships.

What are your experiences with and thoughts about assisting our youth to learn about the importance of respect in the world?

Please share your ideas on how we can work with our youth in this regard.

This will enable them to gain communication and leadership skills to make them successful in this changing world.

If you require more information, please contact us.


Are you are interested in learning more about online youth group sessions?

If so, contact us to obtain a report on a simple and easy system on how to set up group coaching programs for youth. You can do this in the ‘Contact us‘ section of the website.



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Wishing you lots of love and laughter, as always.

Fred Jones

Victoria, BC Canada

Fred Jones

Fred Jones

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One Comment

  1. Another great message.
    The Toastmasters manual on “Build a Healthy Team” is all about trust and respect. I’m using it with my club executive this year.

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