• Generation Z will be in the midst of helping change the world.

  • What can we do to assist them in preparing for their future roles?

  • Here are some thoughts on approaches that can assist them.

In a recent post we reviewed some of the characteristics of Generation Z.


This generation born after 1995 will be involved in helping to change the world.


Currently they are attending schools and entering college.


The members of this generation are smarter, safety conscious and more mature than previous generations.


How can we assist this unique generation?


What type of activities and approaches can we introduce?


Here are some thoughts on activities which we can utilize during coaching sessions.




Six Sessions: When someone joins a group, ask them for a commitment to attend at least six sessions. This will enable them to determine if they find them enjoyable and helpful.


Diversity: Encourage them to have a variety of participants. Suggest they include siblings and those from various backgrounds.


Negotiation Role Play: Assist them in learning negotiation skills. This is an important life skill. Present scenarios and have them practice negotiation. (There is an outstanding book which offers various negotiation approaches. The book “Never Split the Difference” by Chris Voss, offers valuable negotiation strategies.)


Red & Blue Teams: Divide them into two teams. Have them discuss how to disrupt some of the current norms. Let them find alternative approaches.


Ask for Clarification: When told that they should do something, have them ask for evidence. Is this the correct action to take? (The power of asking ‘why?’ and questioning the status quo.)


Write Regularly: Introduce various topics which they can research and write about. At a session, they can present their short papers on the subject. Then they can receive feedback from the other attendees. (One potential source of topics is Coach John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success.)


Storytelling to Create Community: Encourage them to tell stories. This will enable them to know each other in a deeper manner. This will assist them in creating friendships and gaining a sense of belonging.


Enjoyment: Encourage their creativity, contribution and participation in the sessions. This will increase their enjoyment.


Problem Solving: Ask what problems they would like to solve? Have them brainstorm solutions.


Feedback: Schedule regular feedback at each session. This will enable all the participants to practice effective feedback techniques.


Innovate: Encourage them to innovate the techniques and processes used throughout the sessions. (Offer guidelines.)


Pay It Forward: Encourage them to cooperate and help each other rather than competing.


Create Own Groups: If they are enjoying the sessions, encourage them to ask others to join them.


360 Feedback: Encourage them to discuss each other’s strengths and weaknesses. Have the person introduce three of their strengths and weaknesses. The person being discussed can only say ‘Thank You.’


Mentoring: Encourage them to mentor each other. Help them recognize and then discuss various mentoring approaches.


Weekly Photo: Encourage participants to show their ‘photo of the week.’ Suggest these photos are taken by the participant.


Progression: Offer them opportunities to advance. Set up awards for completing a set of tasks.


Review: At the end of each session have the chairperson ask,

‘What was done well?

‘What could they improve?’ and

‘What was the best part of the session?’


What did you love/learn? At the end of the session ask for comments about what they loved about it and what they learned?


Brainstorm: How might we be able to complete various tasks and potential projects?


Competitions: Introduce a competition such as learning foreign words. See how many foreign words they could learn in a week. (see methods of Tim Ferriss).


Newest Members First: Encourage them to have the newest members speak first. The most experienced member speaks last. This principle assists in making the sessions productive.


Moderator Feedback: After a session the moderator can record their feedback. You can share this with parents and other potential moderators.



If the sessions do not grow organically, they do not want it.

This is one major reason to involve them in creating the sessions with your guidance.

Please share your ideas on how we can assist our youth to build a better planet. If you require more details, please contact us.



Are you are interested in learning more about group coaching?

If so, contact us to obtain a report on a simple and easy system on how to set up group coaching programs for youth. You can do this in the ‘Contact us‘ section of the website.


Wishing you lots of love and laughter, as always.

Fred Jones

Victoria, BC Canada

Fred Jones

Fred Jones

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