The fear of public speaking is one of our major fears.
A young girl spoke confidently in front of an audience of over 600 people.
This is another example of how group coaching can assist our youth.
Do you know people who fear public speaking?
Apparently “glossophobia” (fear of public speaking) is one of the major fears, up there with heights, spiders and snakes.
I know this was a fear of mine when I was young. If asked to speak in front of a group, I would not have been able to do it.
This past week, the parents of one of the members of our weekly group informed me about what occurred with their daughter a few evenings prior.
The students from her school gave a choir recital before an audience of over 600 people. Three students were chosen to say a few words of thanks to their teachers. When the microphone was presented, two of students would not go near the microphone. The third girl took the microphone confidently and spoke very well. She even used humour. Her poise astounded everyone.
This young girl has now been a member of our coaching group for a while.
Her parents proudly stated this would not have happened if she had not been part of our group.
This story is another example of how group coaching has assisted a previously shy girl. This gain in self-confidence will be of great assistance to her.
What are your thoughts and experiences? Please share your comments.
If you wish to discuss how you can become involved or wish to start a youth coaching group, please contact me.